This section of the website is intended to highlight interesting
topical things happening in the UK and World-wide Precast Concrete
Industry. It will be updated every month if possible.
Things which I intend to post in this section include:
New products or developments within Fenwick Engineering Technology
and Agencies.
Matters of interest to the UK Precast Industry.
Forthcoming Events - exhibitions etc.
Technical developments
If you have any non competing contributions which
you think may be of interest in the UK Precast Industry I will be
pleased to post these here .
HELP! - I would welcome any comments, suggestions,
critisisms, praise! etc. about this website. This is very much the
first iteration on the creation of our website and I am always looking
for ways to improve.
Is it too complicated?
Easy enough to navigate?
Does it work with your browser?
Does it tell you enough of what we do?
Are the dedicated enquiry forms easy to use?
Please e-mail, fax, write, phone any suggestions.
Click here to contact us