New Markets, New Products, New Technology...get the facts fast.

When you are exploring the opportunities in new markets, new products or new technology and are searching for that 'difficult to get' need the facts from FENWICK ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY.

We maintain a comprehensive database on every aspect of the industry.

Remember FENWICK ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY has information that is not available from any other source. We make it our business to keep abreast of all new developments in Pre-cast Concrete - at home and worldwide.

Product Design and Manufacture...For profitable production

Select us to redesign your existing products so that you reduce the cost of manufacture. Or improve performance. Or both.

We can do this because we understand Pre-cast Concrete manufacture. We understand the properties of concrete. We understand the benefits and limitations of the many competing manufacturing processes.

If you have a 'New Product Idea' to bring to profitable production or an existing product requiring a re-vamp to meet changing market needs...get FENWICK ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY working for you.

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